Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My fuschia, "Wedding Day" flowers have opened, but have brown marks on the flowers, any ideas?

You could have had an insect, like thrips, munching on your flower buds before they opened. This would cause them to have unattractive markings on the flowers when they open. Thrips often cause discoloration and stippling, even premature flower drop on flowers before they open.

Another possibility is that something could have been sprayed on the buds by accident. Maybe something drifted over, but my guess would be insects.

My fuschia, "Wedding Day" flowers have opened, but have brown marks on the flowers, any ideas?
If you've been using bug spray it may cause it - or very heavy rain (like balling in roses) - or sun scorch (especially if you've watered them with the sun full on them.
Reply:Possibly the sun, contrary to belief fuschias are not sun lovers, try moving it to a shadier site.

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